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intelligent ballscrew
HIWIN is the global leader for motion control and system technology. HIWIN’s headquarters is located in Taichung, Taiwan. HIWIN is the No.2 global manufacturer for ballscrews and linear guideways. HIWIN offers precision module products- Datorker Robot Gear Reducers, Torque Motor Rotary Tables, industrial robots and medical robots. HIWIN has 14 subsidiaries and more than 200 distributors globally, serving our customers in the 5G, semiconductor, medical, machine tool, automation, Electrical vehicles, and precision equipment industries. Through assisting our customers with various automation processes, HIWIN understood that it was painful for a factory to have unexpected shutdowns. To avoid unexpected shutdowns, a manufacturer needs to maintain many spare parts in the warehouse, requiring a lot of labor and time for maintenance and inspection. These were painful points that manufacturers really wanted to resolve. Therefore, we studied customer’s concerns and demands regarding machine characteristics, user operation methods, industrial know how, environment requirements, user’s experience, and specific material selection. HIWIN is the first in the world to introduce the intelligent ballscrew: i4.0 BS. The ballscrew is the key critical component of a machining tool, and the i4.0 BS is targeted for high-end machine tool applications. It helps machine tool customers and end users obtain predictive diagnoses and maintain high productivity through intelligent manufacturing. By installing HIWN i4.0 BS, customer’s machines can self-monitor their status and send important data to engineers or managers for efficient diagnosis and scheduling of maintenance, thus improving manufacturing quality and productivity. HIWIN i4.0BS is the first intelligent ballscrew in the world with a sensor for predictive maintenance. The Hiwin intelligent ballscrew has 5 major functions which solve customer’s problems. 1. Life prediction.Detects ballscrew’s physical condition, preventing unexpected shutdown. 2. Smart lubrication.Detects ballscrew’s operating condition to optimize lubrication frequency and quantity, reducing oil consumption by 40% to 70%. 3. Vibration diagnosis.Allows traceability of the machine’s dynamic performance. 4. Thermal diagnosis.Detects thermal stability of the machine. 5. Remote monitoring.HIWIN intelligent ballscrews send information to the cloud. Users can access information and monitor machine status from a remote location through their mobile devices. By monitoring the ballscrews’ operating condition, customers can plan predictive maintenance scheduling, maintain high productivity, and achieve intelligent and smart manufacturing. HIWIN i4.0 BS is the best partner for industry 4.0.
為了邁向低碳經濟、低碳社會,達到永續發展的目標,綠能機械已然為產業趨勢。奕達精機積極布局,持續推動製程減碳、大幅降低汙染以外,亦在零組件上提供「綠色零配件」供客戶選用。 智慧螺桿我們配合國內知名滾珠螺桿製造商,歷經數個月的導入測試,將導入智慧螺桿所蒐集之研究數據,發展為奕達專屬的機台資料,不僅有利智慧機台的資料庫建立,在奕達機台上安裝智慧螺桿帶給我們的用戶許多實質得效益。智慧型滾珠螺桿透過專用之振動和溫度複合式感測器並搭配專家演算法,能有效監測滾珠螺桿效能,使用者可由遠端網頁即時掌握各機台狀況。智慧螺桿具有以下功能:為了邁向低碳經濟、低碳社會,達到永續發展的目標,綠能機械已然為產業趨勢。  壽命預診      預診滾珠螺桿健康狀況,計畫性保養,備料管理、提高整體設備效率OEE振動提醒      可視化滾珠螺桿振動值,管理生產品質,可追溯異常值溫度提醒      可視化滾珠螺桿溫度,熱變形概估確保定位精度、產品加工品質,暖機依據智慧潤滑       變頻潤滑、自動安全、省油環保      一台設備一年可以節省潤滑油量和成本分別高達140公升和上萬元台幣,並降低二氧化碳排放高達80公斤  發那科控制器:能源等級選擇功能此選擇功能顯示了功耗和加工時間之間的關係,並提供用戶累積電力消耗的診斷資料,包含:伺服軸、主軸、週邊軸的累積電力消耗及累積減少的電力消耗。另外,節能功能鍵可幫助用戶有效控制電力消耗,但加工時間可能拉長。 節能省油系統利用蓄壓瓶,讓馬達不用隨時運轉,待蓄壓壓力減少到一定數值時,馬達再驅動蓄壓。優點:     採用間歇式運轉 (S3),非變頻控制,令幫浦運轉時間(ta)為週期時間(ts)的20%    油壓箱體積縮小60L→15L,可節能約30%,由溫相對較低、油壓穩定
快速搜尋 PULL